venerdì 27 novembre 2015


Shipping from USA with Package Forwarding

Introduction about Package Forwarding

Usgo_buy is a Package Forwarding company in USA. When you register with the company which is absolutely free of cost then you are given an American postal address which you should give to the company from whom you purchase the goods from. Your purchased items will be sent to the American postal address and not to your home country.

Package Forwarding to Egypt
Usgo_buy has been established only because most of the branded goods providing companies doesn’t provide services in the third world countries. The goods will be collected by the employees of the company and handed deftly so that they are not caused any damage. Then they are sent to the company’s warehouse. The goods are kept there until and unless the customer pays for their services. After the payment is cleared the goods are also dispatched to the respective country. The goods will take some time to reach you as it is fully international. There are various formalities to be done by a particular company after it is let inside the country.

How Package Forwarding Works
Under the BuyForMe Service of USGoBuy you have a lot of options to choose from. If you click on the following link then you can keep on adding products in your cart. In that page you have to enter all the details regarding the product or the products that you purchase from various branded stores across the states. You can also click this link you get all the details about the various branded stores all across the country. From this link you get to know which company sells what. Then you can log in to their website and you can get all the details about various kinds of products. So this packaging company is really very much unique and people all across the globe opt for it.
Lastest News about USGoBuy
USGoBuy starts the cooperation with iCEO Dog, check its website iCEO_Dog_Collars ==>

martedì 24 novembre 2015

What Is iCEO Dog?

iCEO Dog – Dog Products Supplier from USA

Do you want to Buy Dog Products?  A  Dog Collar, Harness & Leash is also available with the company. The company keeps such fancy items with them. iCEO_Dogcollars is an online company which keeps a wide range of leashes as well as some other products for your dog. The online company was set up in 10th October 2008.

The company specializes in various kind of products. There are many types of products available with the company. The products manufactured by the company will last for a long time and acts as a great gift for your dog. There are different leashes available for different situations. When you take your dog for a training or for a walk then you can find a different kind of a leash. When you want to gift your dog and decorate its neck on its birthday then there are some cute leashes available for the purpose. So different kinds of leash are available according to the situation. You might be in need of a sophisticated product as per your dog’s choice then you will get that even. The company is ready to fulfill all your demands at any cost. Your satisfaction is their main priority. This is how the company gets promoted through their clients.
Dog Clothes and Apparel
The company has an account in every social networking site so that you can reach the company at any time. You can also get to know what kinds of product are in store for you. The social networking sites keeps you updated at all times. It also portrays about the company’s working efficiently. The Facebook profile of the company gives you all the basic information on the company.
Usgo_buy is a Package Forwarding from USA. You will also get an US Free Shipping Address from
You can also buy any brand products from USA with US_GoBuy, it offers you a free US shipping address and delivery your item from USA to your country.

Nuovo Concorso Kaercher: acquista SC1 o SC1 KIT PAVIMENTO e VINCI UN DIAMANTE!!!

Buonasera a tutti,
tempo fa vi ho parlato del fantastico Lavapavimenti a vapore SC1, vi ricordate?

(se vi siete persi il post post precedente o semplicemente per saperne di più vi basterà cliccare qui)

Questa sera voglio presentarvi il fantastico e "luccicoso" CONCORSO di Kärcher "VINCI UN SOGNO".

Tutti coloro che acquisteranno SC1 o SC1 KIT PAVIMENTO entro la fine dell'anno, potranno partecipare al concorso VINCI UN SOGNO per vincere un diamante del valore commerciale di 12.322€.

Partecipare è semplicissimo:
- ACQUISTA un SC1 o un SC1 Kit Pavimenti
- REGISTRATI entro 15 giorni dalla data di acquisto compilando il form 
- PARTECIPA all’estrazione e vinci un meraviglioso diamante

Per partecipare REGISTRATEVI QUI

SC1 è un fantastico Lavapavimenti a Vapore pronto all'uso e perfetto per le pulizie quotidiane. La potenza è inversamente proporzionale alle dimensioni: dotato di caldaia a pressione in grado di sviluppare 3 bar di pressione e oltre 80 g/min, si propone come il più valido alleato per eccellenti risultati di pulizia.

Il nuovo SC1 Kit pavimento è in grado di eliminare fino al 99,99% dei batteri presenti sulla superficie con la sola forza del vapore.

Ecco un video che in un solo minuto fa capire le grandi potenzialità di questo fantastico Lavapavimenti a vapore SC1 Kit Pavimenti

Cosa aspettate, provate anche voi a VINCERE UN SOGNO!!!
per partecipare al concorso o per saperne di più cliccate QUI

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giovedì 19 novembre 2015

Give Your Dog A Precious Dog Collar with A Bell

Cheap Dog Collar

Introduction of the Latest Fashion Dog Collar

You must be thinking how to choose a collar for your little one. Collars are needed to make your dog’s neck look good and also to identify them among many other dogs. You need collars to hold your dog in place. Various fashion are available in collars these days.Shopping from USA with Free Shipping Address becomes easy with  Usgo_buy lets you have an American address so that the goods get delivered in the following address and the employees of the company can receive your item. After it is collected, the product is sent to the company warehouse and is kept waiting until and unless you clear your payments. After you have cleared your payments, you are given a tracking code so that you get to know where exactly your product is right now and when it is getting delivered. With the help of the company you will get to know How to Buy with Package Forwarding Service?
iCEO is an American company from whom you can buy dog collars and various other dog products. In this article I am going to review on a dog collar with bell. These are usually made up of leather and will last your dog for a long time. These are available in various different colors. You have to choose the size depending on your dog’s size. While shopping online you have to choose your product and it will be stored on your cart. There are various pictures of the dog’s collar which you can have a look at. If you click on the picture and the picture enlarges in size for you to have a clear look. The value of the product depends on your country’s currency. According to the US currency it is priced $8.90.==>

Kikiamo e la possibilità di franchising

Buonasera a tutti,
questa sera ospite del mio blog e la nuova opportunità lavorativa di aprire un franchising.

Prima di tutto è doveroso fare una breve presentazione dell'azienda e di cosa stiamo parlando...
Kikiamo è un brand italiano specializzato nella distribuzione, attraverso negozi monomarca o affiliati in franchising, di moltissimi articoli come abbigliamento, accessori moda, borse e bijoux.

Sul loro portale sono presenti oltre 2000 articoli, tutti suddivisi nelle varie categorie, nelle quali possiamo trovare merce di qualità e alla moda.
Abbigliamento, bijoux, borse, foulard, moda mare, accessori baby, parentesi preziose ed anche una linea uomo.

La loro azienda è in continua crescita, e la loro presenza è sempre più forte, grazie allo sviluppo dei loro negozi non solo sul mercato italiano, ma anche all'estero.

Un'azienda moderna quindi, rivolta ad un pubblico che ama essere alla moda con articoli fashion e di tendenza.
Proprio per andare incontro ai giovani, e per dare una possibilità a coloro che hanno voglia di mettersi in gioco e di intraprendere una nuova avventura senza investire troppo, nasce il nuovo Franchising in CONTO VENDITA, la nuova opportunità di lavoro di Kikiamo che troviamo qui:

Si sa in questi tempi di crisi molti ragazzi sono alla ricerca di un lavoro, di cambiamenti, o semplicemente di un qualcosa che ci permetta di far fronte alle spese quotidiane.
Purtroppo, immettersi in una situazione più grande di noi, dove l'investimento iniziale è davvero irraggiungibile, non è di certo una cosa semplice.

Con il metodo del nuovo franchising Kikiamo invece, è possibile creare un’attività indipendente con un investimento contenuto e con la possibilità di ricevere la merce in conto vendita, cioè di pagarla solo dopo averla venduta.

Kikiamo offre la possibilità di aprire un negozio con un investimento a partire da 13.800€ chiavi in mano, che serviranno per adibire il negozio alla vendita, arredarlo e renderlo adatto al brand.

Kikiamo mette a disposizione merce per un valore totale di 18.000€, dei quali solo la metà andranno pagati, il resto resterà al negoziante come guadagno, con un margine quindi del 50%.

Questa dunque è la loro politica, ad ogni ordine Kikiamo concede un ricarico sugli articoli del 100%, che non è di certo poco!!!

Tutti coloro che vorranno intraprendere questa strada usufruiranno anche di un'assistenza costante e di corsi di formazione per svolgere un lavoro al top. 

Altro punto fondamentale della loro politica è il riassortimento della merce settimanalmente, senza nessuna perdita economica sulla merce, che essendo in conto vendita, se non venduta verrà sostituita con le nuove collezioni.

Tutto questo senza nessun diritto d'ingresso e con la garanzia dell'esclusività nella zona di apertura.

Per poter iniziare il nuovo franchising Kikiamo è necessario, oltre naturalmente alla passione per i prodotti alla moda e di tendenza, avere un negozio disponibile di almeno 20 metri quadrati posizionato in un centro cittadino o in un centro commerciale e la capacità di sostenere l'investimento iniziale per poter creare un nuovo negozio.

Vale la pena approfondire, no?! 

Per saperne di più vi basterà cliccare qui:

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Pagina Facebook

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martedì 17 novembre 2015

How to Buy Women Dress from Macy’s with Package Forwarding Service from USGoBuy

USGo_Buy provides its clients with delivery services but it’s slightly different from any other courier services. This is an American company which helps its buyers to purchase products through them.  USGoBuy employees purchases and collects your order on your behalf. After they had collected the goods are sent to the company’s warehouse from there it is being sent to you. gives you all brand related information. Having any doubts in mind? Then click this link and get all yours doubts cleared.

About Macy’s:
Macys was established in 1858 in New York City by Rowland Hussey Macy. The company provides its awesome range of products to different countries. If you are not getting the company’s awesome collections at your place then you can order it online without any hesitation. The products of the company are very much affordable according to American standards. The company keeps products of all ranges so that it becomes easier for customers to buy goods of their choice be them from any sphere of life.
Macy's with Package Forwarding
Some products for woman from Macys:
In this article I would mainly like to discuss about handbags and accessories and jewelries. Under handbags we have back packs, bucket bags, clutches and evening bags and many others. Under accessories you get belts, hats, designer accessories, scarfs and much more is in store for you.  Under jewelries you have diamond studs, wedding and engagement rings, bracelets, earrings, rings and much more to make you look wonderful.  If you are more towards handbags then you can choose from some wonderful products.
You can add the products to the wish list as you go on selecting items to be purchased. Sales and discounts are also provided but that entirely depends on the company’s terms and policies. Mainly it is given on public holidays.
Get full proofed information about USGoBuy by following a simple link All shipment information about the company can be got from this link.
To add items that you want to ship. Please click here>>>>
How Much is Package Forwarding from USA
Step 1
You can just copy any item you’re buying from an USA online store
Macy's with Package Forwarding
Copy the Link of the Item You Are Buying
Step 2
What about Package Forwarding from USA
Paste the Link on USGoBuy Homepage

Latest News
USGoBuy has been in cooperation with iCEO Dog, a dog product business in USA. Visit its siteiCEO_Dogcollars ==>

venerdì 13 novembre 2015

Buonasera a tutte,
questa sera voglio presentarvi Yoins ed il mio primo acquisto...

Yoins è stata fondata nel 2014 con la missione semplice per dare ai giovani la possibilità di esprimersi attraverso la moda di alta qualità ad un prezzo accessibile.

Prodotti validi, alla moda, confortevoli e con una vestibilità adatta a tutte le taglie.

Su Yoins troveremo tantissimi prodotti: abiti, t-shirt, pantaloni, camicie, giacche, borse, accessori ed anche una sezione di taglie comode... il tutto a prezzi davvero per tutte le tasche!!!

Parlando delle mie esperienze personali, spesso e volentieri su questi siti stranieri non ho mai potuto comprare nulla per me stessa, essendo una taglia non proprio mini, ma questa volta ho comprato una giacca!
Ebbene si, ho preso le misure, ho calcolato tutto, ho visto le taglie, ho scelto modello e colore ed ho pagato con il mio conto paypal!

Non ci crederete... mi va anche un pò largo!
ECCOLAAAAAAAAA la mia bellissima giacca!!!

Favolosa, comoda ed adatta alle mezze stagioni... utilissima in questo periodo dove c'è bisogno di coprirsi ma è presto per indossare il cappotto.

E' adatta anche con l'arrivo della primavera grazie alle maniche che diventano a tre quarti.

Si chiude con due bottoni ed ha anche un cinturino in vita per renderlo più avvitato e più alla moda.

Allargando il cinturino ha una vestibilità ancora più comoda.

E' rifinita nei minimi dettagli, con molta cura nei particolari, anche le cuciture sono precise e resistenti.

Adoro la mia nuova giacca,  e voi che ne pensate???

Per acquistare questa giacca cliccate qui

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giovedì 12 novembre 2015


Ship from USA to Egypt

martedì 10 novembre 2015

Buy Dog Products from USA with USGoBuy

Where to Buy Dog Products

Where to Buy Dog Products from USA?

When a puppy comes into a new family besides love he need dog supplies. Owners might not know a lot of thing about what a dog needs on order to grow fit and well.
There are a lot of dog stores like iCEO Dog with a lot of dog products exposed but sometimes it is hard to decide from all those hundreds of dog products what do supply to buy with the help of USGo.Buy. ==>
The term of dog supply refers to: dog food, blankets, beds, furniture, bowls and feeders, cages, bones, even calendars and books with dogs.
The most essential dog supplies you will need are: a dog collar, a bowl, bed, health products, a toy, cage, and may be even dog clothes if you want your dog to look chill. It is indicated that you buy only the dog supplies that have been dog tested, to reject any illness and accidents.
Buy Dog Products and Supplies

If you do not have time to go to a dog shop and buy these dog supplies with the help of, you can assess the internet and order from there the required dog products.
You must be extremely attentive when buying any dog supply because some might not fit your dog. The dog bed must be on its size otherwise the bad pet might not rest as comfortably as you primary wanted to. The bowl must too match your dog size because some might not feed enough if they have a little bowl and might also make a mess around when eating.
Other dog supplies that must be selected by your dog type are the food; you can get delivery of food with usgo_buy. Picking up the best food means; selecting the best food for the right age puppies, group, senior pets or adult dogs. For more detail visit us_go_buy Facebook Page
Latest News
USGoBuy has started the cooperation with iCEO Dog, checkiCEODog_Collars==>

giovedì 5 novembre 2015

How to Buy Gucci from USA and Ship to Your country

Authenticity is maintained by USGo_Buy  when it dispatches products to its clients. The company is an American company. You will even receive an American postal address when you order goods with the company. With a minimum payment US_GoBuy dispatches your item to be delivered safely to your place. This time your true postal address is revealed and you get the items that you have ordered with your hard earned money right at your doorstep. If you follow this link then you will receive information on America’s leading stores.
About Gucci PRODUCTS:

Guccio Gucci the founder of this grand store opened a small leather goods and luggage company in 1921. He opened Gucci in Florence, Italy. With the passage of time the company earned great name and fame with its products and spread all over the world. This company started as a small scale business and soon expanded in size. In today’s age this company produces a range of products for woman, men and kids. In this article I would like to emphasize only on woman’s goods that are available in the American stores.
Many women’s products are available in American stores from the house of Gucci. Some the most commonly used products are handbags, shoes, belts, wallets, small leather goods and many others. Gucci products are in much demand all over the world. Women of all ages love Gucci products and like

The fragrances and various make up products are tested and then released in the market. You can stay assured that they are not made from any harmful materials. Woman can opt for this wonderful company from anywhere in the world.
Get full proofed information about USGoBuy by following a simple link All shipment information about the company can be got from this link.
To add items that you want to ship. Please click here>>>>
The Cost of Package Forwarding from USA
Step 1

You can just copy any item you’re buying from an USA online store
How to Buy Gucci from USA

Step 2
The Cost of Package Forwarding from USA
Paste the Link on USGoBuy Homepage

It could save you at most 80% shipping rate with USGoBuy

Latest News
USGoBuy has been in cooperation with iCEO Dog, a dog product business in USA. Visit its siteiCEO_Dogcollars ==>

martedì 3 novembre 2015

How to Import from USA with Package Forwarding of USGoBuy

You must be thinking how to buy with package forwarding service? Well USGoBuy follows some simple steps. You can also buy from USA with free shipping address. USGo_Buy has some shoppers on behalf of their customers who purchases some branded items for you and you pay them in return for their services. lets you buy your favorite brand which may not be available in your country and you had a great desire ever since your life to purchase   a commodity from that particular store. If you are confused about how the whole process works then the company officials are helpful enough to solve your problems. They lets you know how to register with them which is absolutely free of cost. The official’s books your product on behalf of you and an address of USA is made available as you are not being able to book your item through your original address. You will get more information about the brand names and stores. USGoBuy delivers your purchased goods at your doors without any hassle. You just need to pay an amount.

The services by the are very much affordable. The company lists on their website the names of some of the branded stores that outsiders usually opt for. With Usgo_buy you can register free of cost. If you are confused about any such services of theirs then you can chat with them which is completely live. You can keep on adding products on your wish list. You have to create an account first with the company so that they can contact you whenever required.
To get more information about the company you can visit their official site.You can log in to the company’s website and get your desired information. Thereby you can easily get your favorite branded products nowadays.

Babygella: per la pelle dei più piccoli fin dai primi mesi

Buonasera a tutti questa sera voglio parlarvi di Babygella, che si prende cura della pelle dei più piccoli fin dalla nascita.
Babygella offre le migliori soluzioni di detersione, trattamento e protezione della pelle delicata dei bebè, grazie ad un'esperienza trentennale a contatto con pediatri, mamme e bambini.

Tutti i prodotti Babygella sono basati sulle caratteristiche e sulle esigenze specifiche della cute del bambino fin dai primi giorni di vita, garantendo elevati standard di gradevolezza e sicurezza, seguendo le rigorose normative nazionali ed internazionali.

I prodotti Babygella si dividono in due linee:





I prodotti Babygella utilizzano principi attivi esclusivi ed innovativi, selezionati per la loro capacità di offrire soluzioni mirate alle necessità quotidiane della pelle dei bebè e sono totalmente privi di allergeni e parabeni.

I detergenti Babygella contengono tensioattivi extra-delicati, studiati per garantire un’elevata affinità con la cute sottile e fragile del neonato. Estratti dell’olio di Mandorle, dei semi di Cotone o derivati del miele sono alcuni dei tensioattivi che permettono di mantenere inalterato il pH fisiologico, preservare l’idratazione, unendo, spesso, un’azione emolliente e seborestitutiva.

Prodotti efficaci, dal rapido assorbimento e con un'azione duratura.
Data l'alta qualità ed il rigore delle sue formulazioni, Babygella è venduta solo in farmacia e parafarmacia.

Inoltre, dal 1 Settembre 2015 al 31 Agosto 2016 è in corso la promo "Mummy Bag"

Babygella offre in regalo a tutte le mamme che acquistano una Crema Silver Lenitiva + 2 prodotti della linea, escluso Salviette e Talco, una pratica, capiente ed elegante Mummy Bag, la borsa da portare sempre con sè, per avere a portata di mano tutto l'occorrente per il piccolo.

Per lenire le irritazioni cutanee del neonato e del bambino localizzate soprattutto nell’area del pannolino, l’azione antimicrobica, lenitiva ed antiarrossamento di Babygella Silver crema lenitiva. 

Svolge un’azione antimicrobica ad ampio spettro grazie alla presenza dell’argento colloidale. Esercita un’attività antiossidante (grazie all’ossido di zinco al 4%, pantenolo e vitamina E), antiarrossamento (grazie al bisabololo e paradolo) e lenitiva ed idratante prolungata grazie all’olio di mandorle dolci e miele

Per saperne di più e per scoprire tutti gli altri prodotti 
vi invito a visitare il sito web

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Alcatel One Touch Pixi 4

Uno smartphone davvero completo, sottile e leggero, supporta 2 schede sim ed anche la micro sd per la memoria esterna. Nella confezione ...